
Safeguarding at St Thomas More Catholic Primary School 

We take safeguarding very seriously in the school and work under the assumption that anything can happen here and we need to foster a culture of vigilance. 

We will always act on concerns and all staff are specifically trained to record and give to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) any information they feel could indicate a concern, however small it may be. We train all staff to follow up after something has been raised and to challenge the DSL if they do not feel enough action has been taken.

We respond to any allegations made and will always seek advice from the LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer) or CSC (Children's Social Care) Bexley if we are unsure of the next action to take. We will always work with agencies to secure the best outcomes for children but will challenge them if we do not agree with their advice or actions. Further details of how we do this are set out in our policies. 

If anyone is concerned a child  may be at risk of harm you should contact the police (111 or 999) or children social care (020 8303 7777) directly. If you are a parent or a carer and need to make a disclosure you can call the school office (0208 303 8322) and ask to speak to the designated teacher to discuss.

Designated Safeguarding Officers 

DSL Poster 2024-2025.pdf

5 people I can tell process and procedure...

Safeguarding for children PDF.pdf

Discipling Your Children

Disciplining your child.PDF

Safeguarding Pupil Voice questionnaire

Pupil Survey Feedback.pdf

Safeguarding Policies

Here you will find all policies/procedures relating to Safeguarding at St Thomas More Catholic Primary School.