Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Our SENCo is Mrs Cato-Simpson. You will see her on the gate most mornings. If you have a concern about your child please contact her via the school office.
At St Thomas More Catholic Primary School, we want to ensure that all children have the same opportunities and that barriers to learning and participation are removed along the way. All children are made, "In the Image and Likeness of God" and we believe, here at STM that all children have the right to benefit from a challenging education which values each other's contributions.
Our school aims to be an inclusive school, going above and beyond for children with special educational needs. We work closely with external agencies and teams to provide targeted support for children who have additional needs. These include:
The Early Intervention Team (EIT)
Speech and Language therapists (Joint Communication Team)
Educational Psychologists (EP)
Community Paediatrics
Occupational Therapy
Children and Adolescents Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
Teachers have high expectations of themselves and of their pupils. At St Thomas More, we use Personalised Learning Plans (PLPs) for children on our Special Educational Needs (SEN) register to ensure that pupils, parents and staff are fully involved in setting achievable but challenging targets throughout the year. PLPs are reviewed termly and shared with all people involved.
We aim to ensure all of our children make good progress, measured from their individual starting points.
Bexley Local Offer
Please see the website below for more information about the Bexley Local Offer. The website is an online guide to the services in Bexley that are available for children and young people aged 0-25 with special educational needs (SEN) and disabilities.
Bexley Voice
We had a very successful coffee morning with Bexley Voice; parents of children on our SEN register were invited to meet Bexley Voice and network with each other.

Virtual Red Bag
Photo of our coffee morning

Christmas survival guide - for children on the autism spectrum
Bexley autism advisory service have sent us a Christmas survival guide for children on the autism spectrum disorder. Please feel free to use at your leisure!