Crowning of Mary Monday 13th May

We came together as a school community to honour our Lady and present her with her crown of flowers. We took time to think about how important Mary is and how we are thankful for her in our everyday lives.

Reconciliation in Lent

This week our KS2 children showed Solidarity and Peace by coming to our Lord to confess their sins. Our children were very thoughtful and were able to quietly reflect on the whole experience before and after speaking with our priests. We thank Father Jonathon and Father Michael for making the experience for our children a positive one.

Faith in Action - Starlight Charity

We supported Starlight Charity by colouring Christmas pictures that are going to be made into bunting for children in hospital over the Christmas period. We are so pleased to be giving them a bit of sparkle this Christmas by our pictures decorating their wards. Starlight were very happy with our colouring that each class were awarded a certificate for their hard earned efforts. We enjoy showing how we live the gospel values of compassion and putting the poor and those less fortunate first. 

Faith in Action

A huge well done and thank you to all our children at STM who parted with their money for such a worthy cause! STM Do More Be More for youreslves, for others and for God.

Toddler Prayer Club

Our toddler prayer club is well underway at STM, Benny the prayer bear helped his new friend to pray and plant her seeds to help God with looking after our world. 

New Year Mass at St George's Cathedral Wednesday 20th September 2023

What a wonderful way to start the new academic year by celebrating Mass alongside our family of Catholic schools across the Southwark Diocese. We reminded ourselves that Catholic Education is a work of love, service and commitment. Our children took pride in presenting our special school candle with the rest of the congregation to be blessed. We are thankful that we provide the best education for our children through God's love and Jesus' teachings.

Faith in Action - Friday 24th March 2023

Our children were so delighted to see that it is not only them that have the passion to demonstrate Preferential Option for the Poor and Solidarity when our staff had their own 'own clothes day' raising money for Catholic Children's Society. Our team are always happy to help the most vulnerable, poor and needy.  We raised a total of one hundred pounds!!

Faith in Action - The Passage Monday 20th March 2023

Today we had the pleasure of welcoming Mal from The Passage to talk to us about the charity and how they help and raise fund for the homeless. One important lesson we learnt today is that the homeless aren't being listened to and not having much of a voice, therefore, it is our duty to come together through solidarity and subsidiarity to give them a voice so they can be heard and receive the help and support they need. 


This week our KS2 children have taken time to reflect on their sins and come to confession in school. We were happy to welcome back Father Michael this week who made our hearts full! Thank you to Father Jonathon, Father Jeff and Father Michael for guiding our children through their faith journey and being able to confess their sins with dignity and confidence.

Challenge set by the Prefects WB 13.3.23

This week our prefects spread the message from Sunday's Gospel from John 4:5-42 that God's love is all around and we are His disciples by demonstrating His love through the Common Good, like Jesus and the Samaritan woman displaying the Common Good by sharing the water.  We linked this to our School Mission Statement of how we show God's love by using His hands and feet. The prefects also set us a challenge of identifying where we can see and identify God in Maths. Here is what some children have told us:

" I found God in Maths when I needed encouragement. I was finding the work difficult so I asked God to encourage me and he did! I was full of encouragement."

" I found God in Maths through my teacher as she helps me when I am stuck."

"I found God in Maths when I was about to give up, I asked God to help me and he gave me the strength to not give up and carry on, which I did."

Year 2 The Mass - focusing on the Altar

Today, Year 2 explored the Oratory and the Altar in their immersion to the topic of The Mass. The children identified the symbols used and placed on the altar, their significance and how celebrating Mass is like celebrating The Last Supper. The children also enjoyed acting out blessing the bread, breaking it and sharing it just like Jesus did at his Last Supper. We were able to link this to Human Dignity and how we respect the dignity of others in our everyday lives, we bowed our heads when we learnt that Christ was present in the tabernacle and the significance of the Sanctuary light. 

Faith in Action Tuesday 21st February 2023

Our Year 4 children have demonstrated Catholic Social Teaching in deciding to set up a staff Cafe this morning. They planned and executed this on their own and are donating their money raised to Cancer Research UK. Well done, we are so very proud of you and thankful for the yummy treats!!

Charity begins at home

This young lady has shown Solidarity and the Common Good by donating her own Bible books for our prayer garden. A little bit of love and selflessness goes a long way!

Celebrating RE

This young lady in Year 2 has gone above and beyond in her learning of The Good News. She has created her own story about the news of Jesus feeding the 5,000 and was able to explain to me why this was good news and was able to link it to Solidarity and Preferential Option for the Poor.

Well done, we are very proud of you!

Tuesday 17th January 2023 Visit from Episcopal Vicar

Today we welcomed Cannon Victor into our school. He spoke to many children and found out lots about our school.  He was amazed to witness the Good News spread by our children through their child led class Acts of Worship.