Collective Worship at STM

Infant Mass - Celebrating Pentecost Friday 17th May 2024

What a beautifuk mass led by Father Jonathon on the feast of Pentecost. Father Jonathon and the children showed participation by working together on the readings, prayers and hyms. The children read clearly, they sang beautifully and prayed in silence. Thank you to all the families and staff who participated in this mass. I know that all families and staff in attendance would agree that the children were excellent!

Ascension Mass Thursday 9th May 2024

We came together as a school community and Father Jonathon, to celebrate the Feast of the Ascension. We took time to reflect on how we can continue to grow in our faith and walk in the footsteps of Jesus to be welcomed into the Kingdom of Heaven.

New Year Mass - Baptism of the Lord 8th January 2024

What a wonderful way to start the Spring term - we joined together as a school community with Father Jonathon to celebrate our New Year Mass and the Baptism of opur Lord. we are called to forgive, love one another and live our lives like Jesus.

All Saints Day 1st November 2023

What a wonderful way to celebrate All Saints Day with Father Jeff who reminded us of how important our Saints are  as well as our inner beauty.  We remember all the Saints ad those who have died.

New Year Mass Friday 15th September 2023

Today, we celebrated our back to school New Year Mass with Father Jonathon.  Our Mass coincided with the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows where we learnt that God called Mary and wehn she said 'yes' this helped the Holy Spirit within her show her love and trust in God.  This opened her life to God and is an example to us in how we should live our lives and trust in God. We reflected on how Mary stands by us and is always there for us as our mother of the church and Christ our teacher and saviour. This helped us to understand her role as a mother to Jesus and how God came among us and is with us.

Whole school end of year Benediction 20th July 2023

We finished our academic year with Jesus through Benediction led by Father Jonathon. What a wonderful way to stop, be quiet and have our conversation with God. We are blessed to have had a very successful year. 

Year 6 Leaver's Mass 17th July 2023

Today, our Year 6 children celebrated their Leaver's Mass at St Thomas More Church with Father Jonathon. The children read with compassion and sang their hymns beautifully. What a beautiful way to end the year.

St Thomas More Feast Day 22nd June 2023

Today we have appreciated our Patron Saint, St Thomas More. The children had a fun filled day completing activities based on our saint, ending the day with a beautiful, reflective Mass and each child receiving their own story book of St Thomas More that they got to take home. We really enjoyed our feast day and are truly blessed.

Infant Mass 15th June 2023 - Love

Today, we celebrated our Infant Mass with Father Michael. Our readers took us through the beauty of  love and the children sang with great enjoyment, love and pride! Father Michael reminded us that Jesus' love is very wonderful and with his love we can continue to grow in our faith and everyday lives. Thank you to the children for a wonderful Mass, to Father Michael for celebrating the Mass with us and for our parents who could join us. Love is a gift from God that is simply beautiful.

Ascension of Our Lord 18th May 2023

Today, we came together as a school family to celebrate the Ascension of Our Lord. We were joined by our beloved Father Michael today who told us that the Holy Spirit is with us always and those who ascend up to heaven are with our Father. We are looking forward to Pentecost and reflecting on how the Holy Spirit is with us always. 

Crowning of Mary 2nd May 2023

Today, we came together to start celebrating the month of May with our whole school service of the Crowning of Our Lady.  The children took part in reading, bringing flowers and placing them on the altar where Mary , as well as a Bible and Rosary Beads. Our readers read beautifully who led us into a period of meditation after hearing the mysteries. Our eldest and youngest child had the pleasure of placing the Crown on Mary for her own coronation. Today, we especially pray for Mary, the mother of Jesus, all our mothers and those who are like mothers to us. Thank you for your wonderful donations of flowers. 

Stations of the Cross and Benediction Friday 31st March 2023

Today we came to the end of the Spring term with the Year 5 starting the day presenting the Stations of the Cross and ending with a beautiful Benediction where children and staff were able to be at one with Christ and reflect on their blessings. We are truly blessed. Happy Easter to you all!

Ash Wednesday Mass 22nd February 2023

Today, we commemorate the beginning of the season of Lent with our Ash Wednesday Mass, celebrate by Father Jonathon. The children read beautifully, the rest of the school sang and responded to the prayers with love. Father Jonathon reminded us of the importance of reflecting on how we can live like Jesus by remembering to Do more to Be more during this time. The children received their ashes with a solemn reminder of human mortality and the need for reconciliation with God. 

Year 6 Mass - Thursday 19th January 2023

Today, our Year 6 children joined the parishioners at St Thomas More Church to celebrate Mass with Father Jonathon.  The children attended the memorial of St Wulfstan who was bishop of Worcester.

New Year Mass- Baptism of Our Lord Monday 9th January 2023

Today we celebrated our new calendar year with our whole school mass. Father Jonathon celebrated with us focusing on the Baptism of our Lord. We listened to the word of how John was willing to Do More and Be More for Jesus by baptising Jesus to which God was pleased. We took time to reflect on forgiveness as well as new beginnings in order to grow closer to God. This reflects our Human Dignity and how we are made in the image and likeness of God.

"13 Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptised by John. 14 But John tried to deter him, saying, “I need to be baptised by you, and do you come to me?”

15 Jesus replied, “Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness.” Then John consented.

16 As soon as Jesus was baptised, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. 17 And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”