
We have given you a flavour of what our school is about with our welcome video and our FAQ section. 

Our open morning dates for prospective parents looking for a place in September Reception 2024-2025 are being held on 14th October 2023/ 5th December 2023 / January 11th 2024  - all start at 9.30am . 

There is no need to pre-book, just turn up on your chosen day and sign in with your details

We understand that choosing a school for your child is a very important decision and one not to be taken lightly.

Should you have any specific questions relating to your child's needs, please email and we will answer queries as quickly as we possibly can.

STM Admission Video

STM edit final1 (1).mp4

Applications for casual admissions

Applications for the admissions process are online via the Bexley website at  If you are applying to St Thomas More, as a Church school (VA), applications should be supported by our Supplementary Information Form which needs to be completed by parents, parish priest/minister and returned to the school. Supplementary forms must also returned into the school office.


We recognise the disappointment you may face should your child not have been offered a place at St Thomas More Catholic Primary School. Should you wish to appeal for a place please contact the Admissions Team on the office phone number: 0208 303 8322, so she can arrange to give you a copy of the forms and use this opportunity to be placed on our waiting list. You will also need to contact Bexley to inform them of your wish to be on the waiting list.

We aim to hear appeals within 30 working days.

Evidence of Catholic Practice following Coronavirus Outbreak

This is directly from the School Admissions Advice document via the Education Commission of Southwark. Please read below;

The suspension of the obligation to attend Sunday Mass was announced on 18th March 2020 by Bishops' Conference of England and Wales. If a parent/carer attended Mass at a particular parish (or parishes) prior to 18th March 2020 then they will be considered to have attended Mass in that parish (or parishes) regularly since that time. This will remain the case until the Sunday obligation is reintroduced by the Bishops.

Parish Boundaries- St John Vianney and St Thomas More

Below is the map of the parish boundaries for St John Vianney and St Thomas More. These parish boundaries are used for admission purposes. Any children who live within these boundaries and are baptised Catholic will fall into Category 2.

Supplementary form

The application form for the school should be completed through Bexley Borough.

You will then need to complete a supplementary form which needs to be handed into the school office with copies of;

All of these documents that you bring alongside your supplemntary form should all be the original documents.

Admissions information

If you wish to explore our admission arrangements through our local authority (Bexley) you may do so by clicking on the link below:

Admissions supplementary form


Admissions Policy September 2019


Admissions Policy September 2020


Admissions Policy September 2021


Admissions  Policy September 2022

Admissions policy and supplementary form 2023-2024

Admissions Policy 2022
New Supplementary Form 2022

Applications for 2023-2024 Reception

If your child was born between 1 September 2018 and 31 August 2019 it is now time to think about your application for a primary school place. Applications for the admissions process are online via the Bexley website. If you are applying to St Thomas More, as a Church school (VA), applications should be supported by our Supplementary Information Form which needs to be completed by parents, parish priest/minister and returned to the school. Application forms must be with Bexley by the date set by Bexley Local Authority (15th January 23). Supplementary forms must also be handed into the school office by the same date.


We recognise the disappointment you may face should your child not have been offered a place at St Thomas More Catholic Primary School. Should you wish to appeal for a place please contact the Admissions Team on the office phone number: 0208 303 8322, so she can arrange to give you a copy of the forms and use this opportunity to be placed on our waiting list. You will also need to contact Bexley to inform them of your wish to be on the waiting list.

We aim to hear appeals within 30 working days.